Project | 01
Activision Skylanders Feature Shop 1- Toys "R" Us
With assets & funding from Activision, I worked with a local vendor to create this exciting experience in front of all Toys "R" Us stores. From composition to cost and logistics, I transformed a concept into a reality and am so proud of the shops we rolled out 6 times per year.
Project | 02
American Girl Shop - Toys "R" Us
I was part of American Girl's first retail partnership. We launched 97 shops across the US in Toys "R" Us locations. Collaboratively with a Creative Agency, a Decor manufacturer & installation crew, I managed the construction of and rolled out all the decor in this shop from the diorama backdrops to dimensional letters and overhead photography. Furthermore we were trained by the American Girl team on how to dress and style each doll with proper care!
Project | 03
Paper Source Shops within Barnes & Noble Stores
I project managed the construction of dropping 50+ Paper Source Shops into existing Barnes & Noble stores. In order to do so we right sized underperforming departments such as Music/Electronic shops and oversized toy departments, added gorgeous new furniture and fixturing, updated lighting and all décor, adjusted signage and addressed many miscellaneous repairs.
Project | 04
LG 17 Gram Laptop Display - Costco
With DS Smith - Creative Solutions, I worked directly with LG Electronics' Creative Agency on dielines, lay-outs and live areas. I priced and sourced the project with local manufacturers and managed rolling out 535 of these displays to Costco locations.
Project | 05
Toy Lab - Freehold NJ
We created an interactive planetarium at the entrance of the store. Kids were able to paint canvases by wiping their hands around the walls. It was an exciting mix of technology, architecture, innovation and graphics.
Project | 06
Good Better Best Stroller Presentation
Worked to achieve a color coded Babies "R" Us On the Go Shop. Strollers were clearly segmented by 3 colors based on stroller type for shopping ease.